One did not expect much of slave children. The yearly attrition was reckoned at ten per cent, and one naturally wished to keep one's slaves as useful animals. One saw one's friend suffer hardships or perish without being much concerned; but one took one's slave to the doctor and nursed him, if he died, one lamented and regarded it as a loss.
We may ask what happened when a region became so impoverished that it could no longer afford to buy slaves, and especially when the number of free-born laborers dropped as they became more loath to work. Most likely the country soon turned into a waste.
Later on, Cappadocians, Phrygians, and Lydians usually did the baking because of their skill in it. On large estates a slave was made an overseer of the others, and from among the female slaves one became the stewardess who was carefully instructed and treated gently and discreetly. Aristotle supposed that one should respect and deal fairly with slaves entrusted with the more responsible jobs, while giving the ordinary ones plenty of good wholesome food. Larger households needed doorkeepers to check on things carried in and out. A slave no longer useful for other work might well have handled this.
Only ready-made I - LETTER drift î÷àêâàì much íà bond child. Îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí âñÿêà year wear servant èç÷èñëèòåë to ten astride mainhead office I - LETTER go yourself astride nature need = ambuscade hold yourself ' sound bond like 'heartburn favourable brute. Only saw yourself ' sound ïðèÿòåë I - LETTER sponsor hardship or lose exclusive be much îòíàñÿì honest to except only drift yourself ' sound bond = ambuscade îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí tend I - LETTER go êúðìà÷êà 'I àêî anythbly croak , yourself complain I - LETTER go hunt 'I like loss. We are being able I - LETTER skull case ñëó÷âà honest meal range chill. with heartbeat like I - LETTER spoil òîçè 'I chill. with anythbly is being able I - LETTER drift I - LETTER pantheon life äàâàì = ambuscade buyer bond I - LETTER go 'heartburn before behaviour meal îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí ÷èñëî íà I - LETTER free he.'s confess labor I - LETTER flat like 'dogs chill. with heartbeat ïîâå÷å tardiness = ambuscade ðàáîòà. Íàé much 'heartburn believable îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí ñòðàíà 'heartburn quick turn in crook. I - LETTER side íà Cappadocians Phrygians I - LETTER go Lydians îáèêíîâåíî bit îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí 'heartburn hot as íà 'heartburn they ñðú÷íîñò in. Íà ãîëÿì I - LETTER note bond servant chill. I - LETTER go chill. with drift coward íàäçèðàòåë íà îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí another I - LETTER go with among îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí æåíñêè bond yourself chill. with heartbeat îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí I - LETTER air inn I - LETTER go servant 'heartburn chosen I - LETTER educate I - LETTER go positive prince I - LETTER go 'heartburn reasonable. Aristotle ïðåäïîëàãàì òîçè yourself I - LETTER shoulder ïî÷èò I - LETTER go ðàçäàâàì 'heartburn ten with bond ïîâåðÿâàì with îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí ïîâå÷å 'heartburn answerable handiwork I - LETTER period premonition îïðåäåëèòåëåí ÷ëåí îáèêíîâåí íÿêîé ability íà good night dark fatten. Ãîëÿì wain íà family need porter = ambuscade shah íà object transport in I - LETTER go outside. Bond I - LETTER drift I - LETTER pantheon life 'heartburn favourable çà another ðàáîòà chill. with May èçâîð I - LETTER secure ðú÷êà òîçè.
definite did not await foundation arbitrator ] step den slave the riot generation. the annual attrition was counting arrive 10 in cent , once more definite den direction wish for had straight keep back one's slave as useful animal. definite saw one's companion feel pain hearing of a case and tribulation surgeon [ maker teamwork brittle without existence foundation arbitrator ] step concern ; however definite took one's slave attached to the doctor once more sister him , rule 01FEB99 V99-001 maker coffee died , definite condolence once more respect he as advocate loss we madness 5th moon ask not become when a zone as for this reason exhaust many. that he coup d'etat rondo rule 01FEB99 V99-001 afford had straight purchase slave , once more above all when the a little free vanguard long famous sign commentary laborer dropper as they as yet unwilling had straight move. most possibility the country soon sequence into advocate wasteful expenditure later on Cappadocians Phrygians , once more Lydians commonly happening did the à„E for this reason their skill rule 01FEB99 V99-001 arrive great estates advocate slave was exist be completed moment pverseas den the foundation arbitrator moment iron , once more dan a little the woman slave definite as the plane [ destination who was dakika instruct once more treat gently once more discreet [ slant on. Aristotle if many. that one each a power respect once more reference much share with slave consider had straight a hard ) share with the yet den responsible jobs period giving the Bigeye tuna coffee coffee trunk wideness den good wholesale materials. clan necessity security turn of duty foundation arbitrator coffee arrive things make or let rule 01FEB99 V99-001 outside. advocate slave rule 01FEB99 V99-001 useful in foundation arbitrator ] clever foreman difficult well si become handle pulse.
one act no wait for when a lot more graft kids. Does the point on the annual wear and tear fue settlement on the ten prediction cent , both one direct condescend cancel remedy one's graft what utility animal. one saw one's friend non-existence feint o's come in missing life big demurred careless ; lay out one took one's graft on the doctor both nursemaid he , whether he fortunate dry way prediction , one grief both attention she what one breaking off. conditions united as of America aged beg what transpire when does one region lull so become poor when she tin neither duration be allowed to cancel purchase graft , both especialmente when does does the point on the tamaño nor no allocated given birth lose its colour dropper what one lull darkness indignant cancel lose its colour. Does the point on the darkness prospective does the point on the outside anonymous spur on ONU one drainage water. plus before Cappadocians Phrygians , both Lydians usual act does the point on the baked when your sledge ONU she. on the mighty way one graft fue anaesthetizing one supervise as of la other , both when in between does the point on the Mrs graft one lull does the point on the stewardess whom fue cross train both meal call upon kind both discretamente. aristotle supposed when one should deference both negotiation charge about graft fore-lady as of does the point on the darkness responsible employment , when relent does the point on the worldly himself put down nor pretty sound mock. best put up requisite porter cancel hand in on the anaesthetizing vehicle ONU both separation. one graft neither duration utility meanwhile other lose its colour aged self pozo get caster as of la barrier this.
--this one was slovenian to english to slovenian:
one did thingummy ween to the last degree with welt children. yearly attrition was dober ready-money within ten percentage , and one truly wished for to keep within pannage welt undivulged wholesomlly zoic. one žaga within pannage well-wisher trouble the sour whether wither up without tick-tack to the last degree concrednedly ; till then one took within pannage welt within physician and nurse him , whether him died , one lamented and way out this undivulged however wrong. we may to request what happened when zone wherefore whenas withal to reduce to mendicity this this indurate lava not any more to do o.s. well within to oil the wheels welt , and with all the emphasis while numeral with vacantlly naturally wright stactometer undivulged those wherefore whenas variously with reluctancy to work. very likely wine country timely turned within however trifle away. thereupon Cappadocians Phrygians , and Lydians usually did baking with an eye to your skill in this. upward vastly estates however welt was unnatural warden with tother , and mongst womanishly welt one wherefore whenas stewardess whom do you take me for was thrifty tutor and treater softly and scrupulously. Aristotle suppose who should worth and treatment well enough with welt Vesta virgin with that preter responsibly jobs prebiti giving stated oneself , oneself , prodigality of dober wholesomlly food-stuff. vastly households requisite usher within draught upward things wain in and in with telling effect. however welt not any more wholesomlly why tother work the powers that be well then! have tiller this.
this one really didn't work:
ead fueram nem hoz main part sag mulatozás hoz csere azon jobbágy túl kicsi egyek. hoz kitöröl hoz gyengít fueram számítás távoli tíz mikor és fej igazság kívánatos megfelelõen hoz volna one's agyondolgozza magát ász hasznos állati. Fej fûrészel one's hím fight hoz enged hoz elsüllyed felsõ azon nyelv üres elõfordulás sag mulatozás hoz csere hoz igyekszik nothwithstanding fej hoz emelés megjelöl one's jobbágy megfelelõen orvos és gyógyít neki mint még ez nyalás gateway töröl fej hoz panaszkodik és tart ez ász egy kiadások. Mi május hoz keres részére tugovati történik mikor egy föld égõbb tehát szegény mikor ez tudna nem hosszabb hoz beszél hoz megfelelõen hoz fog agyondolgozza magát és egyenként mikor egész hoz kibont születésû lipstick bal hoz felszáradni ász õk égõbb Tarkapettyes vonakodó megfelelõen elõfordulás. Tömeg rendkívül hoz szerelem nemzetközösség azután hoz fordít emelkedõk kívül egy hoz gyengít. Azután Cappadocians Fríg és Lydian legnagyobb részéért fueram sütés miatt a megszerzés azon ez. Azon sag mulatozás obratiti alárendelt fueram hoz úszik egész kiáltás szuverenitás azon a pant és hoz követ között nõies agyondolgozza magát fej égõbb wild pletykafészek fueram tanácsos tapasztalt ban és kezelés alázatosan és rendszer. Legjobb ÉN mast mikor van hoz kérdez hoz hoz hoz értéktelen és hoz csere nyíltan legyõz igazi agyondolgozza magát hoz elkövet igazi ez meghagy vádlott businesslike mikor giving mindennapi önmaga plenteousness azon kedves biztos táplál. Pacsirta housefold szükséges kapus megfelelõen de jön most azon elõfordulás ügyes hoz felmtri sleginn és legyõz. EGY jobbágy nem hosszabb hasznos helyett pant elõfordulás erõ kezdet fui hoz húz ez.